The service and attention to details were both professional and well taken care of. - Jim & Joyce Kuenkel
We really appreciated your patience and spirit of cooperation that you extended to us during this process. - Jim & Betty Owen
A Big Thank You to Rudy the Pacesetter Team who did the final servicing work. A good, polite and efficient bunch of guys. - Pat Nelson
Thank you for all the referrals you send to us as well as the genuine care you put into every client you work with.
Your knowledge, ideas, advice practical help, positive outlook and enormous patience all helped make overall experience a positive one. - Bill McClarty & Jane Cross
We are pleased with the home we purchased from Pacesetter!
Pacesetter Homes is family-oriented and very personable. They will see that you start out happy and stay happy with your new purchase. - Steve and Patrisha Machado
Our experience was positive and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for everything you did to make our home a “dream come true”. - Don & Cathy
My home was completed in a timely and precise manner, exactly to my specifications.
Buying this home was a decision I have never regretted. I feel richly blessed to live in my beautiful home. - Ellynore Smith